Zack Ford at Think Progress: "This morning, the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee held a hearing on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would extend employment protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. For the first time in the Senate's history, a transgender witness testified on behalf of the bill. Kylar Broadus, founder of the Trans People of Color Coalition, discussed his experiences coming out trans, including mistreatment by police, workplace harassment, and employment discrimination."
At the above link, there is a powerful video of Broadus' testimony with a partial transcript. [Content Note: His testimony includes incidents of transphobia, harassment, gender policing, and discrimination.] Monica has a complete transcript here.
What's remarkable is that, as Zack notes, "ENDA has been stalled in Congress for decades," and yet this is the first time a transgender witness has been invited to testify.
At Tell Lawmakers to Support ENDA Now!
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