The story, Monday:
The Vatican’s doctrinal office on Monday denounced an American nun who taught Christian ethics at Yale Divinity School for a book that attempted to present a theological rationale for same-sex relationships, masturbation and remarriage after divorce.
The story, Wednesday:
After the Vatican’s doctrinal watchdog condemned an American nun for a book she wrote on human sexuality this week, the book shot up’s bestseller list, becoming the #1 best selling religious studies book by Tuesday.On Wednesday , Sister Margaret A. Farley's "Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics," was the #16 best-selling book on Amazon overall, just ahead of Laura Hillenbrand’s “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption,” which has been on Amazon's bestseller list for well over a year.
Farley's book has been on the list for three days. The Washington Post reported that the book was #142,982 on Amazon as recently as Monday.
Among Sister Farley's sins: suggesting that " 'many women' have found 'great good in self-pleasuring — perhaps especially in the discovery of their own possibilities for pleasure — something many had not experienced or even known about in their ordinary sexual relations with husbands or lovers.' "
The Vatican response: “ 'Masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action,' the church said in a statement Monday."
I don't know about you, but nothing suggests that me that the Vatican leadership is really well-informed about human sexuality more than telling the laydeez not to play with their naughtybits or they're going to hell.
[Commenting note: Please take care in comments to distinguish between Catholic hierarchy and ordinary Catholics, many of whom disagree with the actions of their leadership.]
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