My friend Ari's chihuahua Chico, who fell asleep halfway out of his bed.
Photo by Ari (aka Ms. A). Posted with her permission.
Chico is impossibly tiny, even for a chihuahua. He is so little that when I pet him, I can't even pet his head without accidentally petting his eyeballs when he moves around excitedly. The first time I did it, I was horrified and told Ari I'd pet his eyes, and she said, "Yeah, that happens all the time!" LOL!
(Don't worry—his eyes are fine.)
He's nine years old; Ari rescued him about five years ago. When she got him, he was poorly socialized and thus unfriendly, but Ari was patient and dedicated to his socialization, and, today, he is the sweetest little dog. He greets you excitedly when you walk in the door and is a total cuddle-buns. He loves snuggling against boobs, so I am, with my colossal rack, his totes BFF.
Because I'm so used to big dogs, everything Chico does is hilarious to me. I don't even know how something so tiny can live in the world!
I can't even deal with watching him play with Iain. "Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeco!" Iain growls at him, and Chico hops on Iain's lap and dances around excitedly, waiting for his eyeballs to be lovingly if inadvertently stroked.
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