She doesn't have worms. She doesn't suffer from lack of food. It's not like she never gets yummy treats. (Every time I open a can of tuna, all five furry residents come barreling into the kitchen, mewing and whining for their share of tuna water!) She is just completely food-obsessed, which makes her the most obnoxious beggar in the house by a country mile.
We also cannot leave any glass of water, tea, or especially coffee unattended, because she will have her paws in it instantly. And she's so tall that she can peer right over a table while she's standing on her back legs, staring at us and reaching her paws out for our food.
Here is a typical scene as Iain tries to eat his breakfast—oatmeal and coffee—yesterday morning (pictures posted with Iain's permission):
"Hey! Hey, Two-Legs! Can I have some of that?"
"Can I lick that bowl? Please? Save some for me!"
"Just one sip of coffee! I promise!"
"I'll just sit here and wait 'til you're done. Are you done yet?"
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