[Content Note: Violence; misogyny.]
To Whom It May Concern:
What the fuck? CNN, we really don't need Bill Bennett exploiting the Aurora Shooting to promote more of his misogynistic garbage. I'm not just saying that as a feminist, and a woman, but as a human being with a modicum of fucking decency. Jesus Jones.
Also: What the fuck? Wall Street Journal, exactly how fucking gross does James Taranto have to be before you sever your relationship with him? I'm not just asking that as a feminist, and a woman, but as a human being with a modicum of fucking decency. Jesus Jones.
I love, ahem, how even the Denver Shooting has to become a referendum on the value of women.
Get it together, planet.
cc. Aphra-Behn, who gave me the head-ups on the Taranto tweet, care of Digby.
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