In case there was any doubt, George W. Bush made it abundantly clear in a recent interview that although it was "awesome" being president for eight years, he doesn't miss life in political office.He is the worst. He is like a worst thing made out of worsts with lots of little worsty bits all over it.
"Eight years was awesome and I was famous and I was powerful," Bush told the Hoover Institute's Peter Robinson. "But I have no desire for fame and power anymore. … I crawled out of the swamp and I'm not crawling back in."
2. Whooooooooooooooooooooooooops!
And thus was the unceremonious end to BushQuotes. I was just about to pick it back up where I left off before the July 4 holiday, and then I read the above quote about his eight "awesome" years of being famous and powerful, and once I was done ragebarfing, I realized I would be thinking about that glib fucker treating the presidency like a stint on The Bachelor every single day from now on, and just no. The End.
But if anyone's got a copy of No Apology lying around...
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