An Observation

Where I live, approximately 95%* of television advertisements are attempts to get people to buy a car, vote for Romney (or at least against Obama), and go to a specific hospital.

Interestingly enough, neither hospitals nor Mitt Romney are cars (although Mitt knew an owner).

I'm curious about this works in other countries.
"[The] Hospital: Because you'd prefer to not die."**
*In south-central Wisconsin, the remaining five percent are for beer and a pair of giant fiberglass pheasants*** in North Dakota.

**This is way funnier if you imagine Angela Merkel reading the script. Trust me.

***No, I'm not making this up [video opens at link]. As someone raised in the Twin Cities, I have to admit that I'm partial to [video opens at link] Joe Mauer: Tone Deaf Minnesotan.****

****You know what's awesome? Endnotes, that's what.

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