Ode to Joy

Shaker JeanneMK sent this video of a flash mob, contracted by Banco Sabadell and comprised of 100 people from the Vallès Symphony Orchestra, the Lieder, Amics de l'Òpera and Coral Belles Arts choirs, performing "Ode to Joy" in Sabadell, Spain, which I am posting because it's beautiful, and, I don't know about you, but I need to gaze at something beautiful in the world right now. "Ode to Joy" is one of my favorite pieces of music, and I have a hard time hearing it any time without getting teary; this pretty much resulted in gale force blubbery.

Video Description: A bell chimes in a public square in Spain in which people are milling about. A male bassist stands in the square and begins to play. A little girl drops a coin into his hat. A female cellist joins him. As they start a duet of "Ode to Joy," people begin to gather and watch. Some people film them on their mobiles. A female bassoonist joins them. Then two male violinists show up. A group of violinists streams into the square. A man walks up and begins to conduct. Brass and percussion joins in. A group of spectators turns into a chorus. The music builds and swells. The square is full of music and spectators. Children conduct and dance. The music crescendos and reaches its dramatic conclusion, and the audience applauds.

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