Suggested by Shaker sidewriter: "What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?"
I can think of a lot of nice things people have done for me. The man in the Cure shirt who yanked me out of London traffic when I looked the wrong way crossing the street in 1987. The Shaker whose generosity literally kept food on our table when I was laid off, and who has never asked for a thing in return. The contributors and mods—how can I begin to account for all the nice things they do? All of my friends, and all their kindnesses. Iain always being my ally, even when it's hard.
And if there is indeed one thing that can be objectively quantified as the nicest, it's quite possibly something of which I'm not even aware—catching a ball that might have caught me in the temple, a recommendation in the right person's ear, some seemingly small thing that I don't know about or didn't notice that changed my life.
This is probably a dreadful answer to this lovely question. But there it is.
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