Random Nerd Nostalgia: The Exciting Ant Farm

[Image Description: Headline: "Now! Your Very Own! EXITING ANT FARM! As Seen On TV! AN ANT'S ENTIRE WORLD! COMPLETE WITH LIVE ANTS!" There is a picture of a white boy and girl, starting in apparent rapt appreciation at their EXCITING ANT FARM, where ants the size of the kids' EYES burrow into the ground and also hang around the ant farmhouse, windmill, and ant-barn. There is also a lot of super-tuny text exhorting you to apprecate the wonders of the ant farm. Headlines include:"WHAT IS AN 'ANT FARM'?" "FASCINATING!....EDUCATIONAL!....WORLD'S TINIEST ENGINEERS! SEE YOUR TINY PETS! ONLY $2.98!" (but whooops the DELUXE version will run you $6.98. "Discover how ants work...play...live...order now!"

I love the urgency of these ads. It's as if the entire future of the Cold War depends on your immediate consumerism. "ORDER THE ANT FARM OR THE COMMIES WIN!"

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