[Image Description: On the left, a cartoon of a Venus flytrap, open and apparently accepting food from a white, manicured hand. Text reads: "Discover the hidden mysteries of nature's most exotic and mysterious house plant! The VENUS FLY TRAP! See how it lures, traps, eats and digests insects up to 20 times its size! Learn how you can actually train it with a pencil to perform only for you!Feed it with raw hamburger from your hand Experiment with it at home or at school!... The Venus Fly Trap will grow easily in your home. It blooms into a bright green-leafed plant with white and green flowers, in only 3-4 weeks and produced 6-12 traps per plant. Each pack comes with soil, bulbs, and a complete instruction booklet, filled with fascinating facts and hints. Mail in this coupon and start a Venus Flytrap garden of your own. You will be Delighted!" There is a coupon for Mirbar Corp, the company selling the plants, with prices--$1.55 for 2 plants, $2.35 for 4. Only $1 plus postage!]
Scanned from Wonder Woman 194, June 1972.
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