Sunday Shuffle

Mates of State; I Am A Scientist

This very cool GBV cover is one of several cool tracks from Science Fair:
Extensive research shows that girls, from rural areas to the suburbs to the inner cities, aren’t getting the foundational education they need to get into science fields when they grow up. The same research shows that girls — especially girls of color — are persistently given the message — explicitly or implicitly — that they can’t do science. As women are significantly underrepresented in science-related fields, Science Fair will be part of changing that, both through the message of the record itself (featuring all songs sung by women) and through the financial contributions it will generate, supporting programs that improve girls’ science education.
FYI: I have no association with Spare the Rock or the album, I just think it's really awesome--and so do my kids.

How about you? Whatcha listening to today?

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