The Dark Knight Rises Open Thread

Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises


So, did anyone else see The Dark Knight Rises over the weekend and feel like talking about it? Or were Iain and I the only ones who contributed to that (egads!) $160 million opening weekend?

Iain was totally excited about it; I was less so. I'm not sure why, really, since I liked the first two. I think a big part of it is that Christian Bale and I are just done professionally.

But! Despite my unroiled anticipation, and despite its flaws—which include entirely predictable reveals, too much exposition, and a truly pathetic failure to pass the Bechdel Test—I really quite liked the film.

Tom Hardy really pulled off Bane in a big way, which was no easy feat, given that absurd mask and voice alteration so wacky that it was difficult to understand him. Granted, I have a hearing impairment, but even Iain was struggling in parts to catch every line. I am officially a Tom Hardy fan.

Anne Hathaway was great as Catwoman. It was a well-written role, and she did a fine job with it. There were a lot of cheeky lines that could have easily gone cheesy without her ability to finesse them into a shape with an appropriately sharp edge.

Solid supporting cast. Super score. Awesome special effects. If you can see it in IMAX, do. It's a pretty amazing spectacle.

But the thing I liked most about it was the story. Nolan infamously borrowed from Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, which is one of my favorite books, and I liked what he did. I detected what I think was a keen commentary on privilege—which is that it is not enough to have it ripped away to stage a change in management. The nature of privilege is such that the truly meaningful revolution is when those with privilege choose to cede it.

Anyway. What did you think?

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