"I don't understand. Everything else was just handed to me."
The debate over whether Mitt Romney was or was not still running Bain Capital when he said he wasn't rages on, and I'm going to tell you right now: I don't care. By which I mean: I care generally that Mitt Romney is an unethical garbage nightmare who lies about tons of shit and has engaged in unethical and almost certainly criminal professional chicanery, but I don't care to participate in this specific conversation about one aspect of his breathtaking resume of fuckery.
And the reason I don't care is because, even if he did indeed commit a felony, he will not suffer any consequences.
Which pisses me off so thoroughly that I have to restrain myself from investing in this story, lest my ever-depleting reservoir of passion for electoral politics be reduced to a drought-cracked basin of indifference even more quickly than it already is.
In other news: Someone sure wants the pro-choice Condi Rice to be Mitt Romney's running mate, but I cannot believe that it's Mitt Romney. Could be any one of the well-placed funders of his corporate-sponsored campaign. What a fun game of dueling trial balloons Citizens United has made possible!
Talk about these things! Or don't. Whatever makes you happy. Life is short.
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