Today in Mitt Romney Stands in Front of Something

image of Mitt Romney walking through a door in a repair shop, over which hangs a sign reading ECHO, to which I have added a dialogue bubble reading: 'Is there an echo in here?'

In other Romney news, here is another great picture of some Romney Family Vacation Fun in the Sun, by which I mean Mitt Romney Putting in Danger Lives with Which He Is Charged to Protect. It's no dog on a car roof, but it is seven children in the bow of a speedboat!

image of Mitt and Ann Romney in their boat with seven children, at least some of whom are their grandchildren, in the boat's bow

I'm no Professor of Boat Safety, but that does not seem right to me. What they need is MORE KIDS and MORE SPEED!

image of Mitt and Ann Romney speeding in their boat with about a dozen kids in the bow

Do not trust this man with the ship of state, America. He will put us all in the bow and then crash into the side of a mountain onto which a roadrunner has painted a gold-plated boathouse.

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