
Mitt Romney still hasn't decided on a running mate yet, because it still isn't the Monday following the Friday news hole into which he's going to dump his tax returns, but in case you were fretting that he was going to pick some kind of LIBERAL, or even some kind of MODERATE, ha ha, don't worry he's not!
Mitt Romney welcomes all the distracting chatter about his potential VP pick, but he confirmed today what many have already concluded: He actually won't be making the announcement anytime soon. On Wednesday Ann Romney said he's "not quite there yet." Later on the campaign trail Mitt said, "I have not chosen the person who will be my vice-president," but assured a concerned tea partier, "That person will be a conservative. They will believe in conservative principles."
PHEW! Are you relieved? I am so relieved!

Also! You know what that means! There is still hope for Deeky's wildest political dreams to come true!

image of Mitt Romney looking pensive while standing in front of a flag, to which I have added a thought bubble with a picture of Fred Thompson saying 'Who Farted?' in it.

[H/T to Shaker Brunocerous.]

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