[Content Note: Sexual violence; rape culture.]
Pretty much exactly what you'd expect.
That link leads to a Reddit thread in which a man admits to being a serial rapist, talks about why and how he raped women and got away with it, and answers questions about his history. He claims on one hand to be remorseful, but, on the other, still says a lot of stuff that suggests otherwise, including his rather chilling enjoyment of the fact that his anonymity will allow him to engage with other Redditors without their knowing who he really is: "I'm going back to my main account to do normal reddit looking at cats and posting pictures of bacon, and I think it's kind of funny that no one will ever know if the person they're talking to on reddit, or someone who moderates their subreddit, is me on my main account... just food for thought."
I just wanted to provide a space in which to discuss this thread, without worry of encountering an abundance of rape apologia, so I'm not going to say a whole lot about it. Only this:
There are a lot of disturbingly familiar details about his story. I'm not suggesting, at all, that this guy was the person who raped me. It's just remarkable to see the similarities in their approaches, down to the use of a blanket, and, later, in comments, the way in which he convinced his wife that a friend's warnings about him were the invented fantasies of a jilted crush—precisely the way the person who raped me convinced the girl he dated (groomed) after me that she should ignore me. (Unfortunately, she later told me he raped her, too.)
It's not coincidental that the details are similar.
If there is one thing that the Reddit thread makes clear, it's that no one is more intimately familiar with the rape culture, and how to exploit it to his advantage, than a rapist.
[H/T to everyone in the multiverse, and thanks to each and every one of you.]
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