Barack Obama, Nerd-in-Chief

Have you been wondering how President Obama would answer the perennial nerd question, "What superpower do you want?"


Fortunately, this vital query has been asked and answered:
"It's kind of a weird superpower, but if I had something that I could immediately wish for, I would love to be able to speak any language," the president said.

"Now, that's a weird superpower—it might not come in handy to rescue folks from a burning building," he added. "But I've always wished that whatever country I went to, wherever I met somebody who spoke a different language, that I could right away speak their language."

"I'm a big believer in making connections with people. But if it's like an 'Avengers' superpower, then I think the whole flying thing is pretty good," he said. "You can't beat just kinda swooping around. That looks like it'd be fun."
Sometimes, I do kinda love the guy.

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