[Content Note: Misogyny; body policing.]
So, Miley Cyrus recently got a haircut. She cut her hair into a short, spiky, platinum pixie cut (which I happen to think is adorbz, not that my opinion matters), and she tweeted pix of it, saying how happy she was with it, how great it made her feel, etc.
But the big question was, of course, HOW DOES HER FIANCEE FEEL ABOUT IT?!
People magazine: "Miley Cyrus Defends Her New Do – Liam 'Loves It'."
First of all, I love how a woman is even expected to "defend" a haircut in the first place, as if women's bodies are public property.
Secondly, I love how a male-partnered woman is obliged to report how her male partner feels about her cutting off her hair, as if she is his personal property.
This has happened to me every single time I've chopped long hair short—and, now, every time I get the pixie trimmed down again. "How does your husband feel about this short hair?"
My stock answer has become, "Well, he likes it, which is lucky for him, because he doesn't get a vote since it's my hair."
Which I deliver with a smile and a laugh. And the inevitable response is some variation on: "Ooh, my husband would KILL ME if I said something like that!"
In the year of our lord Jesus Jones two thousand and twelve, it is still radical for a male-partnered woman to assert unilateral control over the hair growing out of her own fucking head.
And it is still acceptable that, if he doesn't approve of her hair choices, that should matter. To strangers.
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