[Content Note: Rape culture.]
Despite the fact that Rep. Todd Akin has clarified that he "was talking about forcible rape; I used the wrong word" (HA HA SURE AND THAT IS STILL A PROBLEM, SIR!) and has vowed to fight on, there are reports from unnamed "GOP sources" that Akin is preparing to withdraw from the Senate race in Missouri.
Which means either that Rep. Todd Akin is actually preparing to withdraw, or the GOP Powers That Be are trying to force his ass out of the race by leaking that he's withdrawing.
Either way, Akin's up shit creek financially, because "conservative outside-spending powerhouse Crossroads GPS is pulling its ads from the Missouri Senate race."
Still in Akin's corner: Definitely Not a Hate Group LULZ Family Research Council, whose PAC head Connie Mackey says, "We feel this is a case of gotcha politics."
Yeah, it is. Gotcha, Todd Akin! You're a rape apologist! GOTCHA!
On a related note, I am very glad to see everyone caring so much about a lawmaker's hostility toward bodily autonomy and consent! It's so great how even the President got in on the action!
And while I am GENUINELY THRILLED that there has been such an outpouring of condemnation for such an ignorant, heinous comment about rape and reproductive rights, I would love it even more if this same level of outrage could be offered on behalf and in support of women and other people with uteri, as well as survivors and anti-rape advocates, when it was not politically expedient.
Because Rep. Todd Akin's comments aren't super gross because he's a Republican in a hotly contested Senate race and it's an election year. His comments are super gross because they are SUPER GROSS. I'm just saying.
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