This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

Alex Williams for the New York Times: "Just Wait Until Your Mother Gets Home." Ha ha get it? Because it's about stay-at-home dads.

I'm not sure what my favorite part of this article is, since there's sooooooo much to love about it.

I definitely love the URL/page title: "Dads Are Taking Over as Full-Time Parents," because if a bunch of mostly white dudes in Brooklyn are doing it, then for sure that means it's happening everywhere. (Please see: Why Flyover Feminism was born.)

I also definitely love the guy who appreciates having "learned all sorts of manly skills" by being a stay-at-home dad. THANK MAUDE! And the guy who assures us there "isn't any shame" in being a stay-at-home dad. COOL! All of that sounds way better than being a stay-at-home mom where you only learn stupid lady skills and should probably be embarrassed about your "'50s sitcom vision of the American family."

But I think my favorite part is probably all the cookies. So many cookies. Delicious, delicious cookies. It's nice to see guys getting credit for deigning to do what women have been doing, as if work done by women isn't intrinsic garbage! MORE COOKIES.

[H/T to @IrinCarmon.]

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