Blah blah the President is black and foreign blah blah scary unamerican yawn:
The latest GOPer to dabble in the ridiculous fantasy that President Obama wasn’t actually born in the United States: Rep. Steve King (R-IA).Ha ha that definitely seems very likely! I think you've cracked the case, Sherlock!
During a tele-townhall meeting late last week, King was asked about his views on whether President Obama is a natural-born American citizen. The Iowa Congressman noted that his staff had investigated the matter and found birth announcements in the two Hawaii newspapers the week after Obama's birth. However, King went on to float the absurd notion that his parents "might've announced that by telegram from Kenya."
You know, at this point, if it turned out to be true that President Obama was born outside of the United States (that is not true), the primary thing that these knuckleheads would have proven is that the natural-born citizen requirement is stupid.
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