Now Mitt Romney: Too many Americans are struggling to find work in today's economy.Perfect.
Then Mitt Romney: I like being able to fire people.
Now Mitt Romney: Too many of those who are working are living paycheck to paycheck.
Then Mitt Romney (making a bet with Rick Perry at a debate): I'll tell ya what—ten thousand bucks?
Now Mitt Romney: President Obama and I both care about poor and middle class families.
Then Mitt Romney: I'm not concerned about the very poor.
Now Mitt Romney: The difference is: My policies will make things better for them.
Then Mitt Romney: And so my job is not to worry about those people—I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.
Text Onscreen: Mitt Romney's "Romney: Believe in America" logo. The words "half of" are written in between "in" and "America."
Mitt Romney: I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message.
Text Onscreen: Paid for by the Democratic National Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
HA HA OUCH. Also: Accurate!
Shaker pbrim dropped a link to this in comments: It's a video of Mitt Romney's "Too Many Americans" ad spliced with footage of him from other places contradicting his own message of purported compassion. Awesome.
Mitt Romney Is Terrible
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