In The News

[Content note for racism, misogyny, violence, homophobia]

News and whatnot:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said yesterday that she believed the Supreme Court would address the Defense of Marriage Act when they reconvene for the fall.

Romney's campaign appears to be having money trouble. Whoops! Could be worse, could be monkey trouble.

Some racist douchebag in Austin has lynched an empty chair in his yard.

Here's an old video of supergenius Craig T. Nelson bouncing around the internet today where he says "I've been on foodstamps and welfare, anybody help me out? No."

An Iranian cleric was pummelled by a "badly covered" woman after he got mouthy with her. Whoops!

Krautrock: Here is Can performing "Dizzy Dizzy" on TV circa 1977.

Australia's Parliament has overwhelmingly rejected a proposed marriage equality bill.

Patrick Stewart does not like waiting for the cable guy either.

So, there's this terrible gay slasher film from the 1980s called City in Panic. Here is the opening scene from the film. Why would a director do this? WHY?!

Paris Hilton is kind of a douchebag: "Gay guys are the horniest people in the world. They're disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS." Nice.

Tim Pawlenty quit as co-chair of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign on Thursday to become one of Wall Street's top lobbyists in Washington. Of course he did!

A puppy playing with a lemon!

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