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Recommended Reading:
Grace: The Ethics of Writing about Sexual Abuse: Gawker and Cord Jefferson [Content Note: The post at this link contains discussion of child sexual abuse and rape culture.]
sheridf: Striking Teachers Are Also Parents
Andy: Mitt Romney Thanks Hate Group FRC for 'Leadership', Attacks Gays, Women at Values Voter Summit [Content Note: Homophobia; misogyny.]
Kath: Busting Myths About Fat Bodies [Content Note: The post at this link contains discussion of body image and responses to fat myths.]
Lucas: Anderson Cooper Segment Featuring Trans Woman Who Says Propecia Made Her Trans "Just Another Case of Sensationalizing an Already Marginalized Population Plain and Simple." [Content Note: Discussion of trans misinformation.]
Autumn: Living on Government Largesse [Content Note: The post at this link contains discussion of classism and ableism.]
Jennifer: The Argument Against "English Only" in the US
An important follow-up from Adrienne, in case you missed it in the thread of Friday's Blogaround: Paul Frank Powwow Party Update: Am I Dreaming?
Leave your links and recommendations in comments...
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