Memorial Sculpture to a Greyhound named Isabel.
I came across this image while looking for something else entirely earlier today, and I thought it was just so beautiful. It's a stainless steel sculpture done by an artist named Chris Williams, who specializes in large, custom-made sculptures of animals.
Of the above pictured memorial, he says: "Another Memorial piece, this Greyhound was made for a couple living in Kennebunkport ME. After losing their dog Isabel to natural causes, the couple decided to mark the burial site with a lasting memory of her spirit and endless energy. This piece was done using stainless steel so the color will remain through the tough elements of New England. The overlapping style was something new for me. I wanted to show off the muscles and yet still keep the piece looking light and playful."
Love. Love love love.
It captures one of my favorite greyhound gestures so perfectly (see Dudley here at 2:05). Amazing.
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