Random Nerd Nostalgia: The Day Bill Told Off His Boss


[Description: Title is "The Day Bill Told Off His Boss." Image is a black and white photograph storyboard of two white men, one older and wearing horn-rimmed glasses and a white dress shirt, one younger and wearing a plaid shirt. Panel one: Older Glasses Man in front of a door points up with his index finger: "Get In Here Bill! I want to talk to you!" Panel 2-OGM sits behind a desk, shaking his index finger at Younger Plaid Dude: "You punched in seven minutes late, I'm docking you an hour's pay, and it had better not happen again... or else!" Panel 3- YPD leans over desk:"Oh yeah? I've got news for you, Mr. Bemis! I've got a new job offer with a real future--at twice the money!" Panel 4 OGM: "Ha! Anybody'd be crazy to pay YOU that much!" YPD (with smugly crossed arms):"That's what you think! I've been learning ELECTRONICS in my spare time at home from CIE... and now I can take my pick of good jobs!" Panel 5 OGM:"You gotta be kidding! YOU? In ELECTRONICS?" YPD:" Yes! Now I've got a CAREER! CIE made it easy, so good-by to you AND your crummy job!" At bottom, text: "ARE YOU working for peanuts in a dead-end job? Get smart. Send for two FREE books like Bill did!" There is ordering information and a coupon for Cleveland Electronics Institute.]

Don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure Mr. Bemis was in Nixon's cabinet.

Scanned from Vault of Evil, August 1973.

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