This is a real thing in the world.

[Content Note: Eliminationist violence; exploitation.]

Shaker lupinella12 emailed me a heads-up about a Groupon "Deal of the Day" that was offered for Orlando, Florida this week: A concealed-weapons permit course being offered in Sanford, Florida—where Trayvon Martin was murdered by George Zimmerman.

Lest anyone get the impression that the course is being offered to make sure such a heinous crime would not be repeated, the description for the course offers instruction for "marksmen of all skill levels with professional, hands-on training. Lessons in handling weapons front-end courses and are followed by proper shooting techniques and an inspirational talk with Annie Oakley's ghost." The course culminates with "application for concealed weapon permit."

And, let's just say that the course really does "emphasize responsibility while teaching students how to carry, handle, and shoot a gun," and isn't in the business of training vigilantes. That still leaves the issue of its being offered in Sanford, and Groupon's incredible decision to feature it as a "Deal of the Day." Gross.

screen cap of Groupon carry and conceal deal, featuring image of handgun
Note the accompanying image: A handgun with a single, upright bullet.

screen cap of Groupon carry and conceal deal, featuring map pinpointing Sanford
Note the map, pinpointing the location in Sanford, FL.

teaspoon icon Tweet at Groupon here. Comment on their Facebook page here.

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