You Know What's Weird?

How little I actually give a shit about Mitt Romney.

He is such the proverbial empty suit, such a perfect, sterile, comprehensively uncluttered vessel for pure Republican policy, left undiluted and uncomplicated by even the merest semblance of a fervent and uncompromising personal opinion, that I don't even feel any of the animus I felt toward George W. Bush, or even John McCain.

The media keeps talking about the need for Republicans to "humanize" Mitt Romney, but I can't imagine that anyone really cares, including his supporters. The Republican ticket is all about efficacious conduits for unadulterated corporate conservatism. The less humanity in the way of their precise, heartless agenda, the better.

I have nothing but seething contempt for the message. The anodyne messenger lost my interest long ago. I can't even be arsed to hate him.

super boring picture of Mitt Romney on the campaign trail


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