Todd Akin is still talking:
Missouri Senate Candidate Todd Akin on Tuesday brushed off suggestions that remarks he made in August regarding "legitimate rape" would hurt his party come November.The terrible thing is that he's right. And that's partly because his comments were never correctly framed by the national media as representative of his party's platform, but it's mostly because the Republican base is gross. Not only do a large swath of them agree with Akin's comments, but they dig his refusal to leave the race after those comments were met with outrage.
"I don't believe that the comments I've made doom the entire Republican Party," Akin told Jamie Allman on 97.1 FM talk radio in St. Louis.
Akin also noted that the race in Missouri has changed and that, at least according to his view, his bid for the Senate now has more appeal from independent voters who look down upon establishment figures such as "party bosses."By which he means "independents" like Constitution Party voters and Dominionists for whom the Republican Party generally isn't conservative enough.
What a great party. What awesome voters.
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