Here's the thing about Matilda: She is the most irascible, grumpy, harrumphy cat ever, but also the sweetest, cuddliest, purringest cat ever. So she gets easily annoyed, but also has this endless capacity to indulge us when we annoy her.
Last night, Iain wrapped her up in his favorite fleece blanket, and she sat there looking totally pissy about it, while also purring up a storm and happily chirping at me while I took her picture and scratched her head.
It was just loosely draped around her, and she could have scurried away at any time. (We never, ever, hold any of the animals against their will.) But that's Tilsy—officially contemptuous of any interaction she does not initiate, but unofficially LOVING IT.
She sat there all swaddled up and looking ashamed of herself for enjoying such an undignified display until Zelly hopped up on the couch onto the "blanket," and Tilsy harumphed and hissed and gave me this look as if to say, "See? This is why I don't approve of tomfoolery!" before she settled down again approximately two inches to the left.
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