Discussion Thread: Pet Questions

So, not infrequently, people seek pet-related advice via email, or in comments of a Daily Dose of Cute, or in an Open Thread, soliciting input on a behavior issue, seeking info about where to adopt, looking for mobile groomers, asking for recommendations about indestructible dog toys or affordable cat towers, wondering how much it costs to own a greyhound, etc.

Pet ownership elicits some of the same weird, judgy shit that parenting does, in that if you confess to not knowing innately How to Do It, there are plenty of people willing to shame you for being a failure as a guardian. Which ultimately just discourages people from asking how to do things better when they don't know.

So! Here is a thread for pet guardians and/or potential adopters to ask questions, solicit advice, make confessions, seek help, whatever you need without judgment. Please make clear if you are/are not seeking input, and please refrain from offering advice in reply unless explicitly requested.

Have at it!

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