Mr Lucas said: "It's now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of film-makers."He added: "I've really ruined it as much as I can. Now it's time for someone else to put their own stamp of garbage ruination on it!"
I mean, he probably said that. Whatever.
* * *
Iain emailed this news to me under the subject line: "THRAWN. THRAWN. THRAWN. THRAWN. THRAWN. THRAWN. THRAWWWWNNNN!!!" And the entirety of his message was: "They had beter be using Thrawn or I will be PISSED, lol."
Admiral Thrawn, by the way, is a character from the Star Wars novels. He is terrible, and, in a lot of artists' renderings, basically looks like a blue Mitt Romney.
Here is Iain's favorite YouTube video about him. It currently has 3,223 views. Three thousand of those are probably Iain's.
Video Description: "A Romantic Tribute to Grand Admiral Thrawn." Pictures of Admiral Thrawn, set to "Deliver Me" by Sarah Brightman. Obviously.
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