[Content note: racism, homophobia]
Action News!:
Hurricane Sandy will probably grow into a Frankenstorm that may become the worst to hit the U.S. Northeast in 100 years if current forecasts are correct. Stay safe, everyone!
President Obama endorsed Washington and Maryland referenda and a Maine initiative to legalize marriage equality. His campaign earlier announced his opposition to a constitutional amendment in Minnesota banning equality.
Listen to a new ad for Maryland's Question Six featuring Obama here.
Obama also said Ayn Rand is for misunderstood teens, not grown ass adults. (I paraphrase here.)
But! It doesn't matter because Obama was born in Kenya and someone has proof! Here is a video of President Obama's birth in a Mombasa. Seems legit.
Bishop Earl Walker Jackson thinks gays have stolen all the nice looking black men. Whoops!
This is basically why the internet was invented: How to Be a Juggalo in Seven Steps. Thanks, Al Gore!
Not news: John Sununu is a racist douchebag.
The second installment of Atlas Shrugged had one of the worst domestic openings ever for a movie in wide release. Whoops.
Frosted Han Solo in Carbonite Pop-Tarts.
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