[Content Note: Addiction.]
Yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of my decision to stop drinking.
On that day, October 4, 1992, my partner went into rehab at Munson Medical Center in Traverse City, Michigan. He had been on a downward spiral for several weeks, and Friday, October 1, he hit bottom. We made it through what we later called "The Lost Weekend" and on Monday he went in for a thirty-day residential program. It was then that I knew I had to support him in any way I could, and giving up the occasional beer or glass of wine with my parents was my first step. That night I went to my first Al-Anon meeting.
He came out of rehab a better person, and as long as we were together – another six and a half years – neither of us touched alcohol. I have not since.
I'm making no judgments about anyone else's choice to drink, smoke, or whatever. I just know that I'm content with my decision and that the affirmation I made that day is something that has been good for me.
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