Possibly feeling they've exhausted race-baiting strategies a few weeks before the election, the Romney campaign is now pulling the old "Democrats are so weak they're practically women!" gambit: "Adviser says Romney will ask Obama to 'man up' on Libya attack at debate."
Former Ambassador Richard Williamson, a top foreign policy adviser to the Romney campaign, said Tuesday that the Republican nominee would call on President Obama to "man up" and "accept his responsibility" for the terrorist attack on the American diplomatic mission in Libya.Actually, upon consideration, I suppose the picture of a white dude barking at the African American president to "man up and accept his responsibility" will be a pretty effective appeal to racists, too.
In an interview with Fox News, Williamson, who served as ambassador to the U.N. for special political affairs, said that despite a town-hall debate format that involves more of an interaction with undecided voters than a back-and-forth between the candidates, he believed Romney could question "why we can't get transparency" about the attacks.
"They have a right to know, to make judgments about his stewardship as president and I think Gov. Romney, quite properly, will be asking questions, probing," Williamson said.
He added that Romney would try "to ask the president to man up, accept his responsibility and explain to the people the failure that resulted in four American deaths."
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