It's hard to say what's worst about this piece purporting to know the mind of the lady monolith, because all of it is so terrible. Picking out the precise worst bit is sort of like trying to pick out the grossest piece of filthy, disgusting refuse at the dump.
So much garbage, is what I'm saying.
But among the vast, stinking heaps of discarded Starbucks cups and used maxipads, this grody bit of gristle did manage to catch my eye:
Just as it is for many women in understanding what men want from them as they share roles as wives, moms and workers, the balance required as a man in this modern age — whether in a president or partner — is equally difficult and confused. One day, men will be comfortable blending Alan Alda and John Wayne into a new archetype integrating strong, kind gentle and protective in a way that has both integrity and modern chivalry.Emphasis mine.
When we as men get better at constructing that model, we'll be giving women more of what they want as leaders and as men.
Someone who cannot envision women wanting women as leaders is comprehensively unqualified to be writing about what women want.
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