Al and Franni Voted!

[Image description: Senator Al Franken, a white older dark-haired man with glasses, and Franni Franken, a white older dark-haired woman with glasses, show off their voting stickers.]

Minnesota is one of the states in which people are voting on the civil rights of LGB USians today. (DON'T GET ME STARTED.) And Senator Al Franken and Franni Franken are firmly on the side of marriage equality. Yay!

Please consider this an open thread on the equality measures on the ballot in Maryland, Minnesota, Maine, and Washington. I know there is a lot of anxiety about how it's going to go in these states, and if you need to express it, or celebrate voting for equality, or talk about how you've helped GOTV in favor of equality, or any related things, here's a place to do it!

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