From your calculator to the voters' ballots, Gandalf the Silver!
If you are in the US and you need information on where to go to vote today, the League of Women Voters has a nifty little website that will give you your polling station and other important voting information.
You can also call the Election Protection Hotline at 1.866.OUR.VOTE or email the hotline at
If you have any trouble voting, if you encounter an unreasonably long line or you get any resistance when you try to vote of you're told you're not registered after confirming you are, if you are hassled or in any way discouraged from voting, or if you see anyone else having problems, call the Election Protection Hotline at 1.866.OUR.VOTE immediately. They have volunteers who are ready to help where needed.
Election Protection's website is here, for more info.
You are not obliged to vote, but YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE and no one is allowed to take that powerful teaspoon from your hand. It is YOURS.
Shakers, our President would have been denied the right to vote at this nation's inception. And now he is voting for his own reelection. That is the story of this nation, all the good and all the bad, wrapped up in the act of voting.
I will be voting late this afternoon, and I can't wait!
Happy Election Day.
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