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Recommended Reading:
Courtney: Story Time [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussions of funding abstinence-only sex ed and bullying.]
Spectra: 4 Powerful Documentaries about African Women Everyone Should Watch [Content Note: The descriptions of the films contain references to misogyny, classism, and sexual violence.]
Tracy: The Invisible War Exposes the Banality of Misogyny and Sexual Violence in the US Military
Samhita: Dominique Strauss-Kahn to Settle out of Court with Nafissitou Diallo [Content Note: Sexual violence.]
Jorge: Study Finds Negative Portrayals of Muslims Get More Media Attention
Atrios: The Only Votes That Matter
Brian: Elizabeth Warren and Otis [Content Note: Pet loss.]
Letters of Note: With Deepest Sympathy, Fido
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