In other Reprehensible Fuckers Who Think Killing Black Teenagers Is Justified news, George Zimmerman is now selling his autograph to fund his defense in the murder of Trayvon Martin.
Zimmerman is now mailing autographed cards to anyone who donates cash to help him fight murder charges over Miami teenager Trayvon Martin's shooting death.Discreet! Just like your pornography!
Zimmerman announced the autograph scheme on his website [URL redacted] while revealing that the once flush account -- which had collected $140,000 -- has now dwindled to under $15,000.
"Currently, the balance of the George Zimmerman Defense Fund is at its lowest, and new funds must be raised to support George's living expenses and legal costs," the site says.
Zimmerman promises to send a handsome signed card -- conveniently mailed in an blank envelope with "no reference" to Zimmerman -- for sending him some cash.
I like how it's signed "Your Friend, George Zimmerman." What a nice personal touch from the guy who stalked and killed an unarmed teenager.
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