I don't want to see Lincoln, the Steven Spielberg biopic of President Abe Lincoln. I was very excited to see Daniel Day-Lewis all dressed up as Lincoln, but it turns out that was the absolute zenith of my excitement for the film. Whooooops!
I'm sure Steven Spielberg is devastated at the thought of not getting my $8. Oh well. Better luck next biopic, Steven Spielberg!
Oh, also? If you're wondering if this has anything at all to do with the fact that the trailers for the film are very heavy on Lincoln Freed the Slaves! without (m)any black people themselves actually appearing anywhere in the trailer, the answer to that would be yup!
I mean, sure, yes, very good job, Mr. Lincoln! All of that. But I am fast-forwarding one million years (give or take) until the Spielberg Cyborg Gen 5-L is making a movie about marriage equality called "Obama," all about Mr. Obama's brave personal affirmation that same-sex marriage may not technically end civilization, and I'm thinking IN THE FUTURE (complicated) about how the movie should maybe be about my friends who went door-to-door with their hearts in their throats asking their neighbors who have been given the opportunity to vote on their civil rights to please do the right thing.
I guess it's just that I already know Abraham Lincoln did some stuff. Is what I'm saying.
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