[Content note: Homophobia, transphobia, war]
News For Your Tuesday News Hole:
The Associated Press has banned its journalists from using words like "homophobia" and "transphobia". The AP prefers "something more neutral." Okay.
Gun dorms attract zero students at University of Colorado's campuses.
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush is now a potential 2016 presidential contender. Good lord.
Why I hate sports, part 345,094.
This is what happens when a lion steals your camera.
Also: Polar bears frolicking in fresh snow.
Coldplay announced it's taking a three-year break. Viva la Sad Face.
Just FYI: I never did get a review copy of the new Glenn Beck novel. Sad face. But here's a nifty trailer for the book.
In the 1950s, the U.S. considered detonating an atom bomb on the moon as a display of America's Cold War muscle. Dang.
\m/ This is basically just a great sweater. \m/
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