MittMail: I DUNNO YOU GUYS Edition

A few months ago, my friend Mike Huntswieth (who happens to share an email account with me) joined the mailing list of current presidential candidate and presumable future Dancing With the Stars contestant Mitt Romney.

Over the weekend, I found this in my inbox. I immediately forwarded it to Liss, and we agreed that it was the greatest e-mail in the history of democracy. (Just kidding-- Citizens United!):

The screen capture of an e-mail from Mitt Romney. It starts with the subject line
[From: mitt@poop.fart
To: me
Subject: You tell me

[Picture of a large crowd in a place that has an Ohio flag]

Think we have momentum?

This is a time for real reform for a real recovery-- contribute today. [Oh shit, I forgot to configure my Victory Wallet!]

Thank you,

I love it when my friends send me e-mail at 2:47 on Saturday mornings!

Presumably is also on Romney's mailing list:

President Obama holding a cell phone to his ear and making the best whoops! face ever
Oh, so now that clown wants to know what I think?

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