FMF News: Arizona Launches Website to Discourage Abortion.
Last week the state of Arizona launched "A Woman's Right to Know," a part of the Arizona Department of Health Services website that is designed to discourage women from having an abortion. The website is part of Arizona's recent legislation to restrict access to abortion 20 weeks after a woman's last menstrual period, or 18 weeks into gestation.Emphases mine. [NB: Not only women need access to reproductive healthcare, including good information about their legal rights and options.]
The website provides a misleading list of the potential complications of an abortion procedure... One section of the website addresses risks of childbirth in attempt to provide a different perspective. However, the website lists "death" as a complication of abortion (1 in 11,000 after 21 weeks) and "rarely, death" as a complication of childbirth (1 out of 6,897).
Representative Kimberly Yee (R), who sponsored the legislation, hopes the website will discourage women from seeking an abortion. According to the Arizona Daily Sun, Yee "a staunch foe of all abortions, acknowledged she believes the website will convince some women considering an abortion not to go through with it." Yee proposed the website under the guise of providing women with the information necessary to give "informed consent."
It's breathtakingly mendacious. I am, of course, not surprised in the slightest that anti-choice scoundrels would shamelessly lie to abortion-seeking people under the guise of providing comprehensive information for solid decision-making. But I am nonetheless outraged.
"Informed consent" means something. And it shouldn't even come out of the mouth of a person who endorses this dishonest dogshit.
Let us start making our voices heard. Let us tell the Arizona State Republican Party that we are watching, we are angry, and we expect more.
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