Photo of the Day

image of President Obama, with tears on his cheeks,
NBC News: Tears were visible on President Obama's cheek during his final presidential campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa, on Monday. [Jason Reed / Reuters]

During the address, the President said: "I've got a lot more fight left in me. But to wage that fight on behalf of American families, I need you to still have some fight in you too. ... We've come too far to let our hearts grow faint."

My heart couldn't be less likely to grow faint, Mr. President! I PROMISE! My heart is so far from faint that I barely know what to do! I want the President to win! I want John Gregg to beat Mike Pence to be my governor! I want Joe Donnelly, who is a nightmare, to beat Richard Mourdock, who is a garbage nightmare, and be my Senator! I want marriage equality to win in Maryland, Minnesota, Maine, and Washington! I want New Hampshire to get the first all-female House and Senate delegation plus female governor!


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