[Content Note: Homophobia.]
"Hate is never of God, never."—Megachurch monster Rick Warren, after conceding that "probably" some of the evangelical Christian churches in the US "are responsible for some of the attitudes towards gays in America, the negative attitudes." But not him, of course. His comparing homosexuality to rape, for instance, is some hate the sin but love the sinner shit, or whatever.
And even though SOME hatred emanates from SOME OTHER churches, the people engaging in it aren't real Christians.
And there are No True Scotsmen.
Ugh, this guy. Ugh.
I really don't think people like Warren understand how truly offensive such arguments are to people who have been marginalized, threatened, hurt, their lives made worse in myriad ways by self-identified Christians.
At a certain point, saying that hate isn't of your god when millions of people practice active and often violent hatred in the name of your god is kind of splitting hairs, from the perspective of those of us targeted by that hatred.
I'll happily concede your god has never personally emailed me a death threat. But lots of people have cc'ed him on them.
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