[Image description: a comic book page advertisement for Saturday morning cartoons. "Watch out readers! A new star is rising in the DC galaxy of greatness! We've shocked you with our super-star heroes! Now we're going to thrill you again! With the--DC SERIES! -SHAZAM! A collapsing schoolhouse... a mystic mystery in Egypt... The world's wickedest villain out to destroy America and Captain Marvel. Even with the Mighty Isis making a guest appearance, can our hero survive? ISIS! Springing from the pages of Captain Marvel into her own mag-- and into deadly danger from the sinister scarab! Will Andrea Thomas' secret be revealed to the world-- and will she live long enough to find out? WELCOME BACK KOTTER! The Sweathogs are sweating it out! They're about to lose their leader! No Mr. Woodman hasn't canned Kotter--he's quitting! Will James Buchanan High ever be the same? SUPER-FRIENDS! Super-heroes have super-helpers--but so do the super villains! Five furious foes--backed by a sinister second team. But there's a greater danger still-- a threat within the Hall of Justice!" Information follows about when these issues will be available.]
So, the Welcome Back, Kotter comic was A Thing. Discuss. (Or not!)
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