Shaker Gourmet: Thanksgiving 2012!

It's nearly time for (US) Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays. Like with last year, I'd like for the annual post to not just be me posting recipes but I hope you all will share your favorite recipes and ideas to make/take, too.

For this year, our new appetizer will be this cheese ball (which I first made a few weeks ago when we hosted D&D, lol). Not my own recipe, I found it in Food Network Magazine's October 2012 issue.
Pumpkin-Shaped Cheeseball

16oz (two pkgs) cream cheese, at room temp
1.5 cups shredded cheese (I used a cheddar & pepper jack mix)
3 T minced onion
2 T salsa
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp minced jalapeño
Stem of bell pepper
Doritos (regular nacho cheese flavor), crushed

--Blend everything together. Scoop onto plastic wrap and shape into a ball and chill at least for two hours.

--To serve, unwrap and roll in crushed Doritos until totally covered. Press stem of bell pepper into top.
When I made it, I used a very hot chipotle salsa and a whole, large jalapeño. I also cut the onion & pepper up in the food processor.

Previous Years:

Thanksgiving 2011: Roasted Yam Casserole

Thanksgiving 2010: Cocktail Weenies, Herb-Scented Roast Turkey, Apple-Onion Stuffin' Muffins, Sweet Potato Casserole, Toffee Apple Pie.

Thanksgiving 2009: Jellied Cranberry Sauce, Spinach Madeline, Pumpkin-Apple Streusel Cake.

Thanksgiving 2008: Good Eats Roast Turkey, Basic French Bread, Sweet Potato Balls.

Thanksgiving 2007: Bruschetta, Brie Mashed Potatoes, gravy & gravy tips, Old Fashioned Dinner Rolls, Herb Bread & Dipping Oil, Bavarian Apple Torte.

For a non-pumpkin, non-apple, super easy dessert: Peanut Butter Pie.

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