1. Paul Ryan says Team Romney/Ryan didn't lose because their policies are crap and they are garbage nightmares, but because of
I don't think we lost it on those budget issues, especially on Medicare; we clearly didn't lose it on those issues. I think the surprise was some of the turnout, some of the turnout especially in urban areas, which gave President Obama the big margin to win this race.Better luck next voter suppression!
I love the idea, by the way, that "urban" voters don't vote on the issues. That is definitely the way to convey your respect for "urban" voters! If "urban" voters actually did reflexively vote against you without even the tiniest consideration for any of your contemptible policies, I WOULD NOT BLAME THEM.
Oh well, at least you can console yourself with the knowledge that you definitely won the white bigot vote! GOOD JOB! You and your party have totally SEALED THE DEAL with the most endangered and grossest demographic in the country! Congrats.
2. Paul Ryan says that losing the election was really tough, especially for a couple of privileged specimens who are used to having everything handed to them.
It was an unusual election day for Ryan, his first loss. He said losing was "a foreign experience. It's tough to describe it."Hear that, birthers? Losing is a foreign experience for Paul Ryan. Looks like Barack Obama is the REAL AMERICAN after all!
Somebody bring me the birth certificates of those two losers STAT!
And their college transcripts, too. Just to be safe.
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